Dec 7

You, Me, Communities

currently working on

Teams for life

For the past two years, I have worked on Teams Communities, designed to bring people together and assist groups with their productivity needs. I have primarily focused on designing a new compose surface more intuitive for sending posts, creating an intuitive way to react, and improving image rendering. Expect more updates soon as I continue to work on enhancing user expression, providing delightful experiences, and intelligent support. Stay tuned!

Image: Microsoft

Teams for work

While on the Teams team, I worked on significant features such as post-scheduling, message pinning in chat, and enhancing the IA of teams and channels. I actively contributed to a cross-team effort alongside partners on the People team working on updates to the People card by leading design sprints, defining a vision/north-star design, building out features such as pronouns, and continuing ideation on name pronunciation for future improvements. These projects strengthened my collaboration skills with Research, PM, and Dev partners.